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Celebrities on hoverboards and celebs with hoverboards – Ultimate List
Celebrities on hoverboards has become one of the most popular topics since the hoverboard came into being. This amazing two wheeled self balancing electric hoverboard has been popularized by celebrities from all walks of life.
Here is a mega list of the Celebrities on hoverboards, celebs who use hoverboards or have been spotted using them.
Celebs on Hoverboards Ultimate Mega List
Celebrities love the hoverboard and they are appearing with them everywhere, from sports stadiums to TV shows to airports. What's even more amazing is that regular people have used hoverboards in a break from stereotypes and traditions. A college baseball match umpire came out to the field on a hoverboard, a man did the holy circling at Mecca on a hoverboard, a Nigerian pastor entered church on a hoverboard. Even politicians have been flirting with the hoverboard, as can be seen from the news that Ho Ching, wife of the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, had an injury after a hoverboard fall, from one of her many hoverboards.
Celebrities on hoverboards
Wiz Khalifa Hoverboard
Jeremy Jack Bieber
This is Jeremy Jack Bieber, Justin Beiber's father, just before he falls off a balance board in the YouTube video below -